Juvenile Justice Terminology: This is a list of common juvenile justice terms and their definitions.
VFC At-Risk and Dual Status Youth Training: This VFC training provides a general overview on how CASAs can advocate for foster youth who are at risk of becoming justice involved or who are currently involved in the juvenile justice system. This training is offered to CASAs twice a year.
Juvenile Justice Basic Advocacy Training: This VFC training provides a general overview of the juvenile justice system and how CASAs can advocate for justice-involved youth. This training is offered to CASAs twice a year.
CASA Guide to Juvenile Justice (for CASAs on probation only cases): This comprehensive guide includes everything a CASA needs to know about advocating for a youth on probation.
Juvenile Justice Flow Cart: This flow chart depicts the various ways in which a youth can progress through the juvenile justice system, beginning at the time of law enforcement contact.
CASA Guide to Crossover Youth (for CASAs on dual status cases): This comprehensive guide includes everything a CASA needs to know about advocating for a dependent youth who has come into contact with the juvenile justice system.
Working with Crossover Youth: This document provides CASAs with a brief summary of how to advocate for a foster youth who has come into contact with the juvenile justice system, including guidelines for visiting juvenile hall and attending hearings.
Requesting to Seal a Juvenile Record: This brochure provides information on how to request that the Court seal a juvenile record.
Requesting Transcripts/Attendance Records for a Juvenile Court and Community School (JCCS): CASAs should use the school request form and put Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in the School/Program field.
NMDs in Jail: This document provides guidance on what to do if you believe your NMD has been arrested and may be in jail.
Community Based Services for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Diversion, and Intervention:
- San Diego Youth Services (SDYS): East & Central Regions
- SBCS: South & Central Regions
- Logan Heights Community Development Corporation: Central Region
- COMPACT: North Inland Region
- Lifeline Community Services: North Coastal & North Inland Regions