Before completing any funding request, please reach out to your Advocacy Supervisor.
- Computer2Kids (C2K) provides children with access to computers. Studies show that, even taking into account socioeconomic status, children with home computers perform at higher academic levels across the board. C2K has developed a wide range of programs that address assisting families in providing their children the best resources possible. Outside of computers, C2K provides education, training, and technical support, all with the goal of providing children higher chances for future success.
- iFoster has a mission to ensure that every child growing up outside of their biological home has the resources and opportunities they need to become successful, independent adults. iFoster provides a free platform of resources for foster care youth, caregivers, and organizations. Resources and provisions include internship and employment placement programs, Transitional Age Youth (TAY) AmeriCorps program, and an online resource portal.
- Promises2Kids provides funding support for life-enhancing activities and services for children currently within the foster care system in San Diego County through the Something Special Fund. Special circumstances often arise in the life of a foster child where they need additional financial support for activities, such as sports equipment, music classes, a class photo, or application fees to apply for college. Because of lack of funding, many of our youth in foster care are unable to fully experience everything life has to offer them at this age, which is so critical to a sense of belonging. The Something Special Fund was designed to provide foster youth with additional funds so that they don’t have to sit on the sidelines. Eligible foster youth 18 years and under must reside within the San Diego County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County foster care system, have an open dependency case, in out-of-home placements, and 18 years or under. Youth placed with their biological parents do not qualify. Coordination between the CASA, AS, SW, and caregiver is important. Please email your advocacy supervisor for more information about the Something Special Fund.
- Voices for Children has a partnership with One Simple Wish (OSW), a national online wish program for current and former foster youth. Voices for Children can post wishes on behalf of our case children with the hope that a generous donor will select and fulfill their wish. Examples of some of the wishes granted to our case children are: mechanic’s tool set, Zoo passes, theater tickets, high chairs, walkers, children’s bedding, and iPads. The wishes can be from $5-$425 and are available to all open dependency cases, Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs), Juvenile Justice youth, and children placed with parents. Please email your advocacy supervisor for more details on how to submit a wish on behalf of your case child.
- Eyeglasses: Voices for Children offers a limited number of vouchers for CASAs to purchase eyeglasses on behalf of their case children through partnerships with Eyeglass World and Warby Parker. Please email with requests for vouchers or for more details.
- Backpacks: Voices for Children distributes backpacks with school supplies for case youth annually every August/September. Please watch the Weekly Roundup for details and dates, and email with any questions.